Tuesday, December 25, 2007

I love that song. The song by Sugar, Real Identity. It's a really neat song, and the video that goes with it is possibly the most awesome mix ever.

Now then, on to the "elephant" in the blog, Christmas. For those of you who don't celebrate it, or have taken enough crap for it, just wait til next week and the newest post. I'm just here to say that it's not overrated, it's underrated. I'm not talking about shopping or any of the material baggage that comes with it, it's just a holiday whose meaning we have really lost sight of. It's a shame to think we can actually celebrate this holiday without thinking about why it's there in the first place.

Before anyone asks what I got for Christmas, I'll tell them that I got the greatest gift. Peace. Finally after a long time, I woke up this morning and I didn't have a headache, my eyes didn't hurt, my legs weren't sore. I just felt really great. It was icing to the great cake I call Christmas. Normally Hindus and Buddhists like myself don't celebrate Christmas, but it's always been a longstanding tradition in my household to honor those who shaped our country, and yes, most of the world. In an awefully shallow world, I felt like I've had a deep moment. *single tear*

Now on to the great news, Windows Vista finally WORKS!! Yay! After like months of a shiz-nizzy computer, it's finally got its balls in order and Vista is going strong. I spent all day troubleshooting. But whatever, this is a great present to myself. Awesome! This year, I think I've found my own "Real Identity".

Merry Christmas, folks!